عــن أبـي هـريـرة رضي الله عــنـه، ان رجــلا قـــال للـنـبي صلي الله عـلـيـه وسـلـم: أوصــني . قال:( لا تغضب ) فردد مرارًا، قال: ( لا تغضب ).
رواه البخاري [ رقم : 6116 ]
On the authority of Abu Hurairah (radiAllahu anhu),
That a man said to the Prophet ﷺ: “Counsel me”, so he ﷺ said:
Do not become angry. The man repeated [his request for counsel] several times, and he ﷺ said: Do not become angry. |
It was related by al-Bukhari and Muslim.
Explanation of Hadeeth Number 16
The author of “al-Ifsaah min al-Jaa’iz” said that the Prophet ﷺ recognised in this man considerable anger, so he singled out for him this particular advice. And the Prophet ﷺ has praised the one who is able to control himself at the time of anger, and has said “The powerful man is not the one who is able to wrestle, but the powerful man is the one who is able to control himself at the time of anger”. And Allah ta’aalaa has also praised such a person where He says : “those who repress their anger, and who pardon others” [aal-‘Imraan, 134]. And it is narrated from the Prophet ﷺ that he said : “Whoever represses his anger while he is able to express it and is not in the wrong, then Allah ‘azza wa jall will call him amongst the best of Creation on the Day of Resurrection, and he will be allowed to choose whoever he wishes from amongst the Hoor.”
And it has also been narrated in another hadeeth : “Verily anger is from Shaytaan”, and it is because of this that the angry person is no longer able to deal justly, and he speaks falsehood, and he takes on many blameworthy characteristics, and he takes into his heart feelings of hatred and malice and other than that of the despicable, forbiddden characteristics – and all of this is from anger, may Allah protect us from it. And it has been narrated in the hadeeth of Sulaymaan bin Sarud : “Verily seeking refuge with Allah from Shaytaan, the outcast, causes the anger to recede.” And this is because Shaytaan is the one who beautifies anger and all other such blameworthy affairs, for Shaytaan always tries to mislead man and keep him away from the Pleasure of Allah ‘azza wa jall, and so seeking refuge with Allah from him is one of the strongest weapons available to repel his evil designs.
- That one can simply ask for advice or counsel from a teacher
- That one must not become angry because of impatience
- That the teacher may delay in responding to the question
- That the teacher can be asked the same question several times
- That the teacher can respond with the same answer each time