Kitâb At-Tawhîd from Sahîh al-Bukhârî #1


This is a new translation of the famous book of ahâdîth

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Chapter 1

What has been reported concerning the Prophet ﷺ inviting his nation to the Tawhîd of Allâh, the Blessed and Exalted

1. Abû ‘Asim narrated to us; Zakariyah bin Is`hâq narrated to us; from Yahya ibn ‘Abdullâh bin Sayfî; from Abû Ma‘bad; from ibn ‘Abbâs (RAA) that

 “ The Prophet ﷺ sent Mu‘âdh to Yemen

2. ‘Abdullâh bin Abû al-Aswad narrated to me; Al-Fadl bin al-‘Al⒠narrated to us; Ismâ‘îl bin Umayyah narrated to us; from Yahya bin ‘Abdullâh as-Sayfî; that he heard Abû Ma‘bad, the free-slave of ibn ‘Abbâs saying; I heard ibn ‘Abbâs (RAA)say,

 “ When the Prophet ﷺ sent Mu‘âdh to the inhabitants of Yemen he said to him, ‘you are going to a nation from amongst the People of the Book so let the first thing that you call them to be the Tawhîd of Allâh [in that they single Him out Alone for worship]. If they learn this then inform them that Allâh has obligated five prayers upon them to be prayed during the day and night. If they pray then inform them that Allâh has obligated upon them the giving of Zakâh from their wealth and property, it is to be taken from the rich and given to the poor. If they accept this then take it from them but avoid the best and most beloved property of the people.

3. Muhammad bin Bashshâr narrated to us; Ghundar narrated to us; Shu‘bah narrated to us; from Abû Hasîn and Al-Ash‘ath bin Sulaym; that they heard al-Aswad bin Hilâl [say]; from Mu‘âdh bin Jabal (RA) who said that the Prophet ﷺ said,

 “ “O Mu‘âdh! Do you know what the right of Allâh upon the servants is?”
I replied, ‘Allâh and His Messenger know best.’
He said, “that they worship Him [Alone] and not associate any partners with Him. Do you know what their [legislated] right is upon Allâh, [if they do this]?”
I replied, ‘Allâh and His Messenger know best.’
He said, “that He not punish them.”

4. Ismâ‘îl narrated to us; Mâlik bin ‘Abdur-Rahmân bin ‘Abdullâh bin ‘Abdur-Rahmân bin Abû Sa‘sa‘a narrated to me; from his father; from Abû Sa‘îd al-Khudrî (RA) that

 “ A person heard another person reciting, ‘Say: He is Allâh the One’ [to the end of the sûrah in prayer] and repeating it over and over. The next morning the man went to the Prophet ﷺ and mentioned this to him – it was as if this person did not regard the recitation of just this sûrah alone as a great feat. The Messenger of Allâh ﷺ said, “by the One in Whose Hand is my soul it is equivalent to one third of the Qur’ân.”

Ismâ‘îl bin Ja‘far added to this; from Mâlik bin ‘Abdur-Rahmân; from his father; from Abû Sa‘îd (RA); my brother Qatâdah bin Nu‘mân (RA) informed me; from the Prophet ﷺ.

5. Ahmad bin Sâlih narrated to us; ibn Wahb narrated to us; ‘Amr narrated to us; from ibn Abû Hilâl; that Abû ar-Rijâl Muhammad bin ‘Abdur-Rahmân narrated to him; from his mother, ‘Amrah bint ‘Abdur-Rahmân – who used to be in the room of ‘A’ishah, the wife of the Prophet ﷺ; from ‘A’ishah (RAH) that,

 “ The Prophet ﷺ sent a man amongst a military expedition and he used to lead his compatriots in prayer, each time concluding his recitation by [reciting], ‘Say: He is Allâh the One’ [to the end of the sûrah]. When they returned they mentioned this to the Prophet ﷺ upon which he said, “ask him why he did this.” So they asked him and he replied, ‘because it [contains] the description of the All-Merciful and I love to recite it.’ [Upon hearing this] the Prophet ﷺ said, “inform him that Allâh Loves him.”

Chapter 2

The Saying of Allâh, the Blessed and Exalted,

  «Invoke Allâh or invoke The All-Merciful, whichever Name you invoke, to Him belong the most beautiful and perfect Names.» [al-Isr⒠(17): 110]

6. Muhammad bin Salâm narrated to us; Abû Mu‘âwiyah informed us; from al-A‘mash; from Zayd bin Wahb and Abû Dhabyân; from Jarîr bin ‘Abdullâh (RA) who said that the Messenger of Allâh ﷺ said,

 “ Allâh does not show mercy to those who do not show mercy to mankind.

7. Abû Nu‘mân narrated to us; Hammâd bin Zayd narrated to us; from ‘Asim al-Ahwal; from Abû ‘Uthmân an-Nahdî; from Usâmah bin Zayd (RA) who said,

 “ We were in the presence of the Prophet ﷺ when there came to him a messenger from one of his daughters asking him to visit her son who was in the throes of death. The Prophet ﷺ said to him, “return and inform her that to Allâh belongs what He takes and what He gives. Everything has an appointed time [determined] by Him so enjoin her to be patient and to hope for Allâh’s reward [for her patience].” She sent the messenger again this time swearing that he should come to her. The Prophet ﷺ stood as did Sa‘d bin ‘Ubâdah and Mu‘âdh bin Jabal [and they went to her]. The child was brought to him, the sound of his breathing was ragged as if it were in a dry water-skin. Upon seeing this the Prophets’ eyes filled with tears. Sa‘d asked him, ‘what is this O Messenger of Allâh?’ He replied, “this is mercy that Allâh places in the hearts of His servants. Indeed Allâh only shows mercy to his merciful servants.”

Chapter 3

The Saying of Allâh, the Exalted,

  «Truly Allâh, He is the Provider, the Possessor of great Strength, the Sure.» [adh-Dhâriyât (51): 58]

8. ‘Abdân narrated to us; from Abû Hamzah; from al-A‘mash; from Sa‘îd bin Jubair; from Abû ‘Abdur-Rahmân as-Sulamî; from Abû Mûsâ al-Ash‘arî (RA) who said that the Prophet ﷺ said,

 “ There is no one who is more patient than Allâh upon hearing insulting and blasphemous words. They claim that He has a son yet despite this He grants them health and sustenance.

Chapter 4

The saying of Allâh, the Exalted,

Yahyâ [ibn Ziyâd al-Farâ’] said,

  «[He is the] Knower of the Unseen and He divulge His [knowledge of the] Unseen to anyone» [al-Jinn (72): 26]

«Indeed the knowledge of the Hour is with Allâh Alone.» [Luqmân (31): 34]

«He sent it [the Qur’ân] down with His Knowledge» [an-Nis⒠(4:166)]

«Nor does a female conceive or give birth except with His Knowledge.» [Fussilat (41):47]

«To Him belongs the knowledge of the Hour.» [Fussilat (41):47]

9. Khâlid bin Makhlad narrated to us; Sulaymân bin Bilâl narrated to us; ‘Abdullâh bin Dînâr narrated to me; from ibn ‘Umar (RAA)that the Prophet ﷺ said,

  ‘[He is] adh-Dhâhir, knowing everything [outwardly] and al-Bâtin, knowing everything [inwardly].’
 “ The Keys of the Unseen are five and none knows them save Allâh: none knows what the womb carries except for Allâh, none knows what is to occur tomorrow except for Allâh; none knows when the rain will come except for Allâh; no soul knows at which place it will die except for Allâh; and none knows when the Hour will occur except for Allâh.

10. Muhammad bin Yûsuf narrated to us; Sufyân narrated to us; from Ismâ‘îl; from ash-Sha‘bî; from Masrûq; from ‘A’ishah (RAH) that she said,

 “ Whosoever informs you that Muhammad ﷺ saw his Lord has lied for He is the One Who says,«eyesight cannot perceive Him» [al-An‘âm (6): 103]. Whosoever informs you that he knows the Unseen has lied for He is the One Who tells us that none knows the unseen except for Allâh.

(NOTE: If you want to build a strong and powerful relationship with Allah, check out Islamia TV, where you can watch Islamic speakers from across the globe deliver inspiring and motivational courses. Learn more at

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