How He Treated Them [1/4]



Today, more than ever, individuals find themselves in desperate need of guidance, and by extension, in need of a guide to make sense of life. Over the ages, Allah, The Almighty, has sent different Prophets and Messengers to guide humanity and to provide answers to the questions con- fronting man. The most important features of their mission was to explain the Divine laws and exemplify Divine wisdom, and thus, serve as role-models to their nations.

(NOTE: If you want to build a strong and powerful relationship with Allah, check out Islamia TV, where you can watch Islamic speakers from across the globe deliver inspiring and motivational courses. Learn more at

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ the last Messenger of Allah, was unique in that he was not sent to a particular nation, but to humankind as a whole. As with every other Prophet, the focus of his message was that of obedience to Allah through acts of worship in word and deed.

Through his personal example and guidance, the Prophet ﷺ presented humanity with a superior way of life that was founded on the worship of Allah and the beautiful values that this entails. Due to his exceptional conduct and exemplary way of dealing with others, Prophet Muhammad ﷺ conquered hearts and minds, and his message gained ascendancy over all other nations and religious denominations. The spread of the guidance brought by Prophet Muhammad ﷺ is tangible proof that he was truly an example to be followed, for such immensely positive influence has not been the lot of any other individual throughout the history of the world.

The Prophet’s unique and remarkable success is often categorized as a personal achievement, but the reality is that it is a sign of his being divinely guided. Yes, he was a remarkable human being, but the impact of his teachings was a direct result of his being guided by Allah in all he said and did.

Being merciful implies extending one’s kindness, concern and consideration to others to care about them and to treat them with compassion, especially if one is in a position of authority or has control over their affairs. The Messenger of Allah ﷺ espoused all such beautiful qualities throughout the course of delivering his message.

He ﷺ was the epitome of all the values that he preached, and thus, inspired faith even in his most determined detractors. His words and the events of his life have all been fully recorded, and through them he continues to be present in the lives of people today, and for generations to come.

This article series is an attempt to compile the methods by which the Prophet of Allah ﷺ dealt with different types of people. We have compiled various narrations in this regard, hoping that the book will serve as an eye opener for those who want to take a closer look at his conduct and morals, and explore his character in detail through narratives of his daily life.

(NOTE: If you want to build a strong and powerful relationship with Allah, check out Islamia TV, where you can watch Islamic speakers from across the globe deliver inspiring and motivational courses. Learn more at

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