Beacons upon the Path


Beacons upon the Path

(NOTE: If you want to build a strong and powerful relationship with Allah, check out Islamia TV, where you can watch Islamic speakers from across the globe deliver inspiring and motivational courses. Learn more at

Al Ibaanah Issue No.1, Dhul-Qa’dah 1415H / April 1995: A Collection of Ahaadeeth of Importance to One’s Understanding of the Deen and his Character

Miser Intention Character Deen Tongue Hereafter

The Miser and the Fortunate One

Abû Hurayrah radiallâhu ’anhu relate that the Messenger of Allâh sallallâhu ’alayhi wa sallam said:

 “ “That person is a miser who, when I am mentioned to him, does not send salâh upon me.” [1]

Anas bin Mâlik radiallâhu ’anhu said that the Messenger of Allâh sallallâhu ’alayhi wa sallam said:

 “ “Whosoever sends salâh upon me once, Allâh will send salâh upon him ten times; ommit from him ten evils and raise him up ten degrees.” [2]

Warning against Narrating without Verification

Abû Qatâdah radiallâhu ’anhu relates that the Messenger of Allâh sallallâhu ’alayhi wa sallam said:

 “ “Beware of reporting too much from me. He who reports from me, then let him not say except that which is true. So he who attributes to me that which I did not say, then let him take his place in the HellFire.” [3]

Learning with Correct Intention

Abû Hurayrah radiallâhu ’anhu relates that the Messenger of Allâh sallallâhu ’alayhi wa sallam said:

 “ “Whosoever learns knowledge, by which is to be sought the Face of AIlâh, but he does not do so except to acquire the goal of this world; he will not smell the odour of Paradise on the Day of Resurrection.” [4]

Understanding the Dîn

Abû Hurayrah related that the Messenger of Allâh sallallâhu ’alayhi wa sallam said:

 “ “Whosoever Allâh intends to show excellence to, He gives him the understanding of the Dîn. Indeed I am the distributor, but the giver is Allâh – the Mighty and Majestic.” [5]

Abû Hurayrah related that the Prophet sallallâhu ’alayhi wa sallam said:

 “ “The are two qualities that can never co-exist in a hypocrite: Good manners and the understanding of the Dîn.” [6]

Good Character

Jâbir radiallâhu ’anhu related that the Prophet sallallâhu ’alayhi wa sallam said:

 “ “Indeed abuse most beloved to me and seated nearest to me on the Day of Resurrection are those with the best manners and character. And indeed the most hateful to me and sitting furthest away from me on the day of Resurrection are the tharthârûn (those who speak too much), the mutasbaddiqûn (those who are overbearing in their speech) and the mutafaybiqûn.” We said: “We know who the tharthârûn and mutasbaddiqûn are. But who are the mutafaybiqûn? He said: “The arrogant ones.” [7]

Sins of the Tongue

’Uqbah ibn ’Âmir said:

 “ I met the Messenger of Allâh sallallâhu ’alayhi wa sallam and asked: In what is salvation? He said: “Control your tongue, keep to your house and weep over your sins.” [8]

’Abdullâh ibn ’Umar radiallâhu ’anhumâ relates that he heard the Messenger of Allâh sallallâhu ’alayhi wa sallam say:

 “ “Most of the sins of the children of Âdam are from his tongue.” [9]

Concern for the Hereafter

 “ “He whose concern is the Hereafter then Allâh brings together his affairs, makes his prosperity in his heart and the world comes to him even with aversion. And be whose intention is this world, Allâh splits-up his goods, puts poverty before his eyes and nothing of the world comes to him, except what is written for him.” [10]

Article Taken from


1. Sahîh: Related by Ahmad (1/201), at-Tirmidhî (2/271) and others; and declared to be authentic by al-Hâkim, adh-Dhahabî and at-Tirmidhî himself. Refer to the checking of al-Mishkât (no.933) by al-Albânî.

2. Sahîh: Related by an-Nasâ’î (1/191) and al-Hâkim (1/550) who declared it Sahîh and adh-Dhahabî agreed. Refer to the checking of al-Mishkât (no.922).

3. Sahîh: Related by Ibn Mâjah (no.35), at-Tahâwî in Mushkilul-Âthâr (1/172) and others. It was authenticated by al-Albânî in as-Sahîhah (no.1753).

4. Sahîh: Related by Ahmad (2/338), Abû Dâwûd (no.3664) and others. It was authenticated by al-Hâkim and adh-Dhahabî – as mentioned by al-Albânî in his checking to ’Iqtidâul-’Ilmil-’Amal (no.102) of al-Khatîb al-Baghdâdî.

5. Sahîh: Related by at-Tahâwî in al-Mushkil (2/280) and was authenticated by al-Albânî in as-Sahîhah (no. 1194).

6. Sahîh: Related by at-Tirmidhî (2/114) and Shaykh ’Abdul-Haqq al-Ishbîlî indicated to its being authentic in al-Ahkâmul-Kubrâ (no. 63).

7. Sahîh: Related by at-Tirmidhî (no.2104) and al-Khatîb in at-Târîkh (4/63). It was authenticated in as-Sahîhah (no.791).

8. Sahîh: Related by Ibn al-Mubârak in az-Zuhd (no.134) and from him Ahmad (5/259) and also at-Tirmidhi (no.2531). It was authenticated in as-Sahîhah (no.890).

9. Sahîh: Related by at-Tabarânî (3/87/l-2) and others. Al-Hâfidh al-Mundharî authenticated it in at-Tarîkh (4/8).

10. Sahîh: Related by Ahmad (5/183) and Ibn Mâjah (2/524-525) and it was authenticated by al-Bawsîrî in az-Zawâ’id (1/252) as is mentioned in as-Sahîhah (no.404).

(NOTE: If you want to build a strong and powerful relationship with Allah, check out Islamia TV, where you can watch Islamic speakers from across the globe deliver inspiring and motivational courses. Learn more at

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