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Tag: blessings

The Blessing of Gratitude

A person who has worked many, great deeds must not become complacent; rather he must busy himself with showing gratitude. The ability to be...

Take advantage of 5 before 5

take advantage of 5 before 5, age, wealth, time, life, health

Disobedience Devastates Blessings

An admonishment to realise the huge negative consequences of sinning

The Purpose Of All Religious Practice

The correct understanding of the verse is that the prayer has two major purposes, one greater than the other: prayer restrains from shameful and unjust deeds and contains the remembrance of God Most High; the remembrance of God contained in the prayer is [something] greater than the restraint from shameful deeds and injustice.

The Blessed Days of Dhul-Hijjah

The month of Dhul-Hijjah is a season of worship, and seasons of worship bring along blessings, benefits and opportunities to correct one's faith and make up for shortcoming. Every one of these special opportunities involves some kind of worship, which brings the slave closer to his Lord. And Allâh bestows His blessings and Favours on whom He wills. The fortunate person is he who makes good use of these special months, days, and hours, while worshiping Allâh.

Advice after Ramadaan

If a Muslim continues to have the patience to do righteous deeds after Ramadaan, this is a sign that his (fasting) has been accepted by his Lord, the Most Generous, the Bestower of blessings. If he fails to do righteous deeds after Ramadaan, and follows the ways of the Shaytaan, this is a sign of humiliation, meanness, lowly status and being deprived of the help of Allah.

Ramadaan: Leader of all Months

With Ramadaan just round the corner we should take this time to prepare ourselves for this spiritual journey. For it is the foolish who embark on a journey without any preparation.

The True Richness

Many people mistakenly assume that true wealth and real treasure is that of money. It is indeed true that wealth is a great blessing from Allah which He bestows upon His servants. And the one who earns it purely, and spends it properly, and gives it to those that deserve it, without a doubt earns a great reward from Allah.

Causes of Youth Perversion

Young people are fertile and open ground for all that is introduced to them, either good or bad; and they readily accept whichever of the good or false ideologies, and excellent or bad morals that comes their way.[Medinah(Rabî'ul Awwal 29, 1424 (May 30, 2003)]
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Istikharah: The Guidance Prayer

Forty Hadeeth On: The Islamic Personality

The Etiquettes Of Marriage And Wedding

The Manners of Welcoming the New-Born Child in Islâm



Ummahatul Mumineen Hazrat Shafiyyah (R.A)

The Bond of Holy Love

Daughters of the Prophet Ruqayyah (r.a)

About Struggling…

The Story of Dawood (Alaihissalam)

