Tag: honour
Disobedience to the Parents is from the Major Sins
From the Manners of Islaam - From the Noble Quraan & the Authentic Ahaadeeth
Honouring the Parents is Preceeding al-Jihad in the way of Allah
From the Manners of Islaam - From the serving of the Parents precedes the service on the battle field...for indeed Paradise is at the feet of the mother...
Honouring Parents is from the Righteous Actions which Mankind can Pray...
From the Manners of Islaam - To Please ones parents is from worshipping Allah...
Pleasing the Parents preceeds pleasing the Wife
From the Manners of Islaam - Is that the parents precede ones wife...
Honouring the Mother precedes that of the Father
From the Manners of Islaam - Is that the Mother has more right of her children's pleasure than the Father..
The Prayer of the Parents is answered directly
From the Manners of Islaam - Is that the Prayers of one's Parents for their offspring are answered...
From Honouring the Parents is behaving kindly to them and if...
From the Manners of Islaam - Is to pray for ones parents and knowing their great virtue...
Reviling and Cursing the Parents is from the Major Sins
From the Manners of Islaam - Is to know that speaking ill of one's parents is of the Greatest of Major Sins...
The Son is from the Property of his Father
From the Manners of Islaam - Is that the Son shows the utmost respect for his father...
Honouring the Parents after their Death
From the Manners of Islaam - Is to Pray for ones Parents forgiveness and entrance into Paradise...