Tag: ibn taymiyyah
What’s the Language of the People of Paradise? (It’s not what...
Ibn Taymiyyah's fatwa about the language of the hereafter
Giving Priority to the Qur’an
It is fitting for a student that he begins with memorization of the Book of Allah -since it is the greatest of the branches of knowledge and that which should be placed first and given precedence.
The Meaning of Khushu (concentration and humility) in Prayer
The basic meaning of khushu` is the softness of the heart, its being gentle, still, submissive, broken, and yearning. When the heart is humble, so too is the hearing, seeing, head, and face; indeed all the limbs and their actions are humbled, even speech.
Khushu` in Prayer
The Book of Allah, Mighty and Magnificent, shows that whoever finds what Allah loves hard to bear is blameworthy in the religion and receives Allahs displeasure. Censure and displeasure only come ones way when an obligation is left or a prohibition is committed. Therefore if those who do not have khushu` are censured, its obligation is proven.
The Accusation that ibn Taymiyyah held Allah to be subject to...
A Detailed ascription and clarification of the quotes of those who have accused the Shaykh in this matter