Tag: Purification
Rulings Regarding the Wiping Over the Socks for Purification
Common Questions and Answers to the ruling regarding wiping over socks, turbans and Bandages/Injuries
Your Heart is the Pillar of Your Worship
The difference between a short prayer and a long prayer is simply five minutes, so why does he become bored from these five minutes of Quran, yet he does not become bored from two hours of soccer?
The Harm of Sins
The harm that sins cause to the heart is comparable to the differing levels of harm that various types of poison cause to the body.
Consult Your Heart
Be mindful of the One watching you. Imagine how you would be before someone of status in this world, and apprehend the truth that...
Spiritual Awakening – A Reminder of our Status in this World
By Allah, how priceless is that revitalising alarm of the spiritual awakening! How valuable and indispensable for the journey! Whoever experiences it, by Allah, he has indeed experienced the breeze of success. Without experiencing it, every one is lost in heedlessness.
Satan Hinders the Slave from Acting by Means of Procrastination and...
The Ways of Satan in Leading Humans Astray.
Tafsir of Surah al Humazah – The Slanderer (Surah 104)
An exegesis of the one hundred and fourth chapter of the Noble Qur'an by Imam as-Sadi. His exegesis is widely regarded as being amongst the best and most moving for the layman to read.
The Wisdom behind Trials and Calamities
Many people are slaves to their whims and desires and are not true slaves of Allah. They say that they are slaves of Allah, but when they are tested they turn on their heels and lose out in this world and in the Hereafter, and that is an evident loss.
Requirements of the Journey
One of the best ways of mutual support (in righteousness and piety) is to help one another on the journey of migration to Allâh and to ar-Rasûl (peace be on him) with hands, tongues and hearts, and by teaching, educating and caring.