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Tag: Quran

The Prevalence of Nifaq – save the Blessed – in al-Qur’aa

A warning from the Messenger of Allah (saws) about those who recite the Quran with the incorrect intention

Explanation of Surah al-Ikhlaas – The Chapter of Purity

It is in this collection of what has been described about Almighty God by Himself in Surah al-Ikhlaas (literally: "The Chapter of Purity") that makes it equal to one third of the Qur'an.

Arabic: The Language of the Qur’an

The reason why it is necessary to learn Arabic

The Importance of Tajweed

Listening to the Qur'an being recited correctly is enough to soften even the hardest of hearts and Muslims and non-Muslims alike find it a deeply moving experience even if they do not understand what is being said....

The ‘Return’ of the Qur’aan

It is distressing to see that the Muslims of today have turned away from this great treasure that has been revealed to them - the very Speech of Allah. They have made the Qur’aan a sacred family heirloom; to be treasured in exotic and expensive covers, yet to be uninhabited by the best of all covers - their hearts; to be recited and listened to in the best and most melodious of voices, yet to ignore its meanings; to be placed high above all other objects in any room, yet to occupy the lowest station in their daily lives; to be read when a death has occurred, yet to be ignored by the living...

Arabic – The Key to Understanding the Qur’an

We all feel touched when we open up a good translation of the meaning of the Qur’an and we ponder and wonder at the beauty of the words and the deep meanings within. But in reality we are just seeing a glimpse of the real treasure that the Qur’an is. Imagine how you’d feel if you could understand the words of Allah in the form in which they were sent down and not just rely on a translation of the meaning in English. Imagine the power of the words and the directness of the message then! The potency would be awesome!

The Virtue of Ramadan and the Qur’an

Allah praised the month of Ramadan out of the other months by choosing it to send down the Glorious Qur’an, just as He did for all of the Divine Books He revealed to the Prophets. Imam Ahmad reported Wathilah bin Al-Asqa’ that Allah’s Messenger ‎ﷺ said:...

Tafseer of Surah al-Faatihah: vs. 3

A detailed tafseer of the third verse
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Istikharah: The Guidance Prayer

Forty Hadeeth On: The Islamic Personality

The Etiquettes Of Marriage And Wedding

The Manners of Welcoming the New-Born Child in Islâm



Ummahatul Mumineen Hazrat Shafiyyah (R.A)

The Bond of Holy Love

Daughters of the Prophet Ruqayyah (r.a)

About Struggling…

The Story of Dawood (Alaihissalam)

