Tag: sahih
Imam Bukhari: His Life and Works part 5
This part details his reason for compiling his 'Sahih', his methodology and his other works.
I saw the Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) in a dream, I was standing in front of him with a fan in my hand, and I was shooing the flies from around him. So asked someone who was skilled in dream interpretation about this. He said You are deflecting away from him the lies, so thus he encouraged me to compile al-Jami al-Sahih.
Rules Governing the Criticism of Hadeeth
A comprehensive and detailed article explaining the many terms associated with this field
Hadeeth: Rules for Acceptance and Transmission
A detailed outline on the conditions surrounding the different classification of ahadeeth, and the criteria it needs to conform to, in order be accepted in Islaamic Law.
Hadith: Obligation to verify authenticity
This article highlights the obligation to verify information and the reliability of its source.