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The Excellence of Optional Prayers

Praise be to Allah. 1. The mother of the faithful Umm Habibah Ramilah bint Abu Sufyan Radhiallahu ‘anhu narrated that she heard the Prophet ﷺ...

Why is Friday singled out for great importance?

All the characteristics of this great prayer are by the grace of Allah. He chose it by His decree and singled it out for His bounty and blessings, thus it attained this great importance in this world and in the Hereafter.

7 Daily Spiritual Productive Habits to Develop

7 ways that will help keep us productive int eh day

How to Wake up for Fajr?

practical advice on how to wake for fajr salah

Salat al-Duha

Abu Dharr (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet ﷺ said: “Charity is required from every part of your body daily. Ordering the good is charity. Eradicating the evil is charity. And what suffices for that (as a charity) are the two rak`ahs of Duha.

3 Stages to Tahajjud

Brief, yet practical tips for praying tahajjud

Understanding Eclipses The Islamic Way

A detailed discussion about the eclipse prayer and the respective rulings

Really, Those Are The Men!

If the people knew what is the reward of making the call (for the prayer) and (of being in) the first row (in the prayer), and they found no other way to get this privilege except by casting lots, they would certainly cast lots for it. If they knew the reward of coming early, they would race for it, and if they knew the reward of the ‘Ishâ` and morning (i.e. Fajr) prayers, they would go for the prayer even if they had to crawl to reach there.” [Reported by Al-Bukhari]

Tafsir of Surah al Bayyinah – The Clear Proof (Surah 98)

An exegesis of the ninety-eighth chapter of the Noble Qur'an by Imam as-Sadi. His exegesis is widely regarded as being amongst the best and most moving for the layman to read.

The prayer and its effect upon abandoning sins and developing the...

If the prayer does not prevent us from obscene and evil deeds then it is necessary to carefully scrutinise the deficiency within it and to correct it. There is no escaping from correcting one's prayer and there is no fleeing from bringing about khushoo' within it. So let us look at the causes and let us strive to treat them with the cure, just as we treat our bodies for their diseases.
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Istikharah: The Guidance Prayer

Forty Hadeeth On: The Islamic Personality

The Etiquettes Of Marriage And Wedding

The Manners of Welcoming the New-Born Child in Islâm



Ummahatul Mumineen Hazrat Shafiyyah (R.A)

The Bond of Holy Love

Daughters of the Prophet Ruqayyah (r.a)

About Struggling…

The Story of Dawood (Alaihissalam)

