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Tag: steadfastness

Different perspectives on patience

Some people cannot have patience without struggling and facing many difficulties. Others are able to have patience easily. The first type is like a man who wrestles with a strong man and cannot beat him with the utmost effort. The second type is like a man who wrestles with a weak man and beats him easily. Such is the war between the soldiers of ar-Rahmân and the soldiers of Shaytân. Whoever defeats the soldiers of Shaytân can defeat Shaytân himself.

The Definition of Patience

In the spiritual sense, patience means to stop ourselves from despairing and panicking, to stop our tongues from complaining, and to stop our hands from striking our faces and tearing our clothes at times of grief and stress.

Remaining Steadfast After Ramadân

"Indeed, steadfastness after Ramadân and the rectification of one's statements and actions are the greatest signs that one has gained benefit from the month of Ramadân and striven in obedience. They are tokens of reception and signs of success. "

From Ahâdîth us-Siyâm: Ahkâm wa Adab

The Objectives of Fasting (Maqâsid as-Sawm) #1

A scholarly extract highlighting the reasons why we fast in Ramadân. Fasting is a means for our sins to be forgiven and a path away from the the torment of the hell fire, as fasting reminds us of the hunger and thirst that these wicked inhabitants will experience and drives us to obey Allâh and avoid this evil destination.

Standing Firm in Obeying Allah

Shawaal 13, 1422 (December 28, 2001): He also made this world like a marketplace where people go back and forth; some selling themselves and some freeing themselves. Days are but parts and stages of one’s life. The passage of each day reduces one’s lifespan, brings one closer to death and brings the record of one’s deeds to a gradual end.

The Battle of Uhud: Victory – Not Defeat

Friday Sermon from the Prophet's Mosque in Madina, on 1st Rabee’uth-Thaanee 1422AH: The noble companions were by no means the best of this Ummah by virtue of their being the first to embrace Islam, but rather by virtue of their companionship and courage. They sacrificed their lives and bodies for this religion….

Hadeeth 21 : Say ‘I believe in Allah’ and then be...

On the importance of being consistent in ones actions
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Istikharah: The Guidance Prayer

Forty Hadeeth On: The Islamic Personality

The Etiquettes Of Marriage And Wedding

The Manners of Welcoming the New-Born Child in Islâm



Ummahatul Mumineen Hazrat Shafiyyah (R.A)

The Bond of Holy Love

Daughters of the Prophet Ruqayyah (r.a)

About Struggling…

The Story of Dawood (Alaihissalam)

