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Home Tags Struggle provision taqwa yaqeen piety zuhd ilm knowledge jihad

Tag: struggle provision taqwa yaqeen piety zuhd ilm knowledge jihad

Gratitude: One of Our Provisions for striving to achieve Allah’s Pleasure

The servant's life is a fluctuation between afflictions which he patiently endures and blessings for which he is grateful to His Lord. This is the reason why many of our predecessors used to say, "Faith is divided into two: gratitude and endurance. "

Tawakul (Reliance): One of Our Provisions for striving to achieve Allah’s...

When reliance upon Allah is lacking, everything else will be lacking, and nothing will remain but humiliation and lowliness in this life and the Hereafter. When reliance upon Allah is missing, we become overwhelmed by Satan who then subjugates us to his control.

Certainty: One of Our Provisions for striving to achieve Allah’s Pleasure

It is the certainty that whatever the Prophet ﷺ said is the absolute truth. Indeed, this is the certainty that we lack. Certainty that Allah ﷺ defends those who have faith. Certainty that this religion will inevitably prevail. Certainty that there is ease after hardship. Certainty that trials and tribulations precede victory. Certainty that victory will be granted to those truthful and patient servants who strive hard for Allah's sake, no matter how small their number may be. Certainty that no-one gives or causes himself or anyone else harm, good, life, death or resurrection except Allah ﷺ.

Knowledge: One of Our Provisions for striving to achieve Allah’s Pleasure

The Muslim Jama 'ah which strives to raise the word of Truth and carries out the instructions of Allah, enjoins good and forbids evil, fights to protect the Religion of Allah, strives hard to establish the Islamic Caliphate, and aims to bring people to the worship of their Lord, is specially in need of knowledge to guide it and outline its course of action.

Taqwa: One of Our Provisions for striving to achieve Allah’s Pleasure

Piety is an indispensable provision for the Muslim Jama'ah. Our striving to establish the religion of Allah on this earth will undoubtedly fail without piety and all our work will be turned down by Him.
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Istikharah: The Guidance Prayer

Forty Hadeeth On: The Islamic Personality

The Etiquettes Of Marriage And Wedding

The Manners of Welcoming the New-Born Child in Islâm



Ummahatul Mumineen Hazrat Shafiyyah (R.A)

The Bond of Holy Love

Daughters of the Prophet Ruqayyah (r.a)

About Struggling…

The Story of Dawood (Alaihissalam)

