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Tag: zakah

Tafsir of Surah al Bayyinah – The Clear Proof (Surah 98)

An exegesis of the ninety-eighth chapter of the Noble Qur'an by Imam as-Sadi. His exegesis is widely regarded as being amongst the best and most moving for the layman to read.

Kindness and Generosity

Generosity is a characteristic of the Muslim, and kindness is his disposition. The Muslim should not be miserly and stingy, for these are two reprehensible traits whose presence spoils the soul and darkens the heart. The Muslim's faith and righteous deeds purify and radiate his heart, so being stingy and miserly negates the purity of the soul, and the light of the heart. So a Muslim is not miserly or stingy.

The Mountain Pass

In Sûrah Balad, Allâh teaches us about the mountain pass that must be climbed in our lives. And this way of climbing that I've just described is very close to how Allâh wants us to overcome this mountain pass - hard and strong! But wait ... what mountain pass?


Taken From the Book Minhaj al-Muslim Vol.2: From the wisdom of Zakat-ul-Fitr is that it purifies the fasting soul from the effects of useless, non-beneficial speech (or acts) and obscene speech (or behavior). Likewise, it keeps the poor and needy people from having to beg on the day of ‘Eid.

Hadeeth 3: The Pillars of Islaam

An explanation of the five pillars of Islaam: The shahada, Prayer, Zakat, Fasting and Hajj
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Istikharah: The Guidance Prayer

Forty Hadeeth On: The Islamic Personality

The Etiquettes Of Marriage And Wedding

The Manners of Welcoming the New-Born Child in Islâm



Ummahatul Mumineen Hazrat Shafiyyah (R.A)

The Bond of Holy Love

Daughters of the Prophet Ruqayyah (r.a)

About Struggling…

The Story of Dawood (Alaihissalam)

