A True Story of How a Christian Preacher Embraced Islam


The Present and Future

After an interview by the Al-Madinah newspaper I was asked about my present-day activities and plans for the future. At present, my goal is to learn Arabic and continue studying to gain greater knowledge about Islam. I am presently engaged in the field-of da’wah and am called upon to lecture to non-Muslims who come from Christian backgrounds. If Allah, Almighty, spares my life, I hope to write more on the subject of comparative religion.

(NOTE: If you want to build a strong and powerful relationship with Allah, check out Islamia TV, where you can watch Islamic speakers from across the globe deliver inspiring and motivational courses. Learn more at www.islamia.tv.)

It is the duty of Muslims throughout the world to work to spread the knowledge of Islam. As one who has spent such a long time as a Bible teacher, I feel a special sense of duty in educating people about the errors, contradictions and fabricated tales of a book believed in by millions of people. One of the greatest joys is knowing that I do not have to engage in a great deal of dispute with Christians, because I was a teacher who taught most of the dispute techniques used by them. I also learned how to argue using the Bible to defend Christianity. And at the same time I know the counter arguments for each argument which we, as ministers, were forbidden by our leaders to discuss or divulge.

It is my prayer that Allah will forgive us all of our ignorance and guide us to the path leading to Paradise. All praise is due to Allah. May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon His last messenger, Prophet Muhammad, his family, companions, and those following true guidance.

(NOTE: If you want to build a strong and powerful relationship with Allah, check out Islamia TV, where you can watch Islamic speakers from across the globe deliver inspiring and motivational courses. Learn more at www.islamia.tv.)

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  1. Wow Allahu Akbar. As a revert myself, I always love reading stories like this. It’s incredible how Allah changes hearts and it’s even more incredible to look back at the path you took that led you to Islam. It makes you really reflect on Allah’s amazing Qadr and all that He had written for you to journey towards Islam. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this. Jazak Allah khair and may Allah bless this brother, and all those behind this website and may He keep us all on the right path. Ameen.

  2. Thank you brother this was a very interesting and powerful read.
    As a revert myself I can feel every bit of your spiritual enlightenment journey. As mine was the very similar in the sense that it all just makes sense and you feel it too. My head fell for Islam and my heart followed easily.
    Salam wa alaykoum.
    And May Allah continue to guide you and reward you with a strong heart.


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