Kitâb At-Tawhîd from Sahîh al-Bukhârî #2


Chapter 5

The saying of Allâh, the Exalted,

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  «the Perfect Peace, the Trustworthy» [al-Hashr (59): 23]

11. Ahmad bin Yûnus narrated to us; Zuhayr narrated to us; Mughîrah narrated to us; Shaqîq bin Salmah narrated to us; ‘Abdullâh (RA) said,

 “ We used to pray behind the Prophet ﷺ and used to say [during the prayer], ‘peace be upon Allâh.’ The Prophet ﷺ said, [do not say this for] indeed Allâh is the Perfect Peace, instead say: all words denoting peace and sovereignty are due to Allâh as are all prayers and pure words. Peace be on you O Prophet and also the mercy of Allâh and His blessings. Peace be on us and on the righteous slaves of Allâh. I bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except for Allâh and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and messenger.”

Chapter 6

The saying of Allâh,

  «the King of Mankind» [an-Nâs (114): 2]

[Included in this chapter] is the hadîth of ibn ‘Umar from the Prophet ﷺ[1]

12. Ahmad bin Sâlih narrated to us; ibn Wahb narrated to us; Yûnus informed me; from ibn Shihâb; from Sa‘îd, who is ibn al-Mûsâyyab; from Abû Hurayrah (RA) that the Prophet ﷺ said,

 “ On the Day of Resurrection Allâh will hold the earth and fold the heaven with His Right Hand. Then He will say: I am the King, where are the kings [who reigned] on the earth?

[Shu‘ayb, az-Zubaydî, ibn Mûsâfir and Is`hâq bin Yahyâ [said]: from az-Zuhrî; from Abû Salamah [; from Sa‘îd]]

Chapter 7

The saying of Allâh, the Exalted,

And whosoever swears by the might of Allâh and His Attributes.

  «He is the Almighty, the All-Wise» [Ibrâhîm (14):4]

«Glorified be your Lord, the Lord of Might, free from what they ascribe to Him» [as-Sâffât (38):180]

«But to Allâh and His Messenger belongs (all) might» [al-Munâfiqûn (63): 8]

 “ Anas said: The Prophet ﷺ said, “Hellfire will say: enough! Enough by Your Might!”

Abû Hurayrah reports from the Prophet ﷺ [that he said], “a man will remain [standing] between Paradise and the Fire, and he is the last of the inhabitants of the Fire to enter Paradise. He will say, ‘my Lord! Turn my face away from the Fire. By Your Might I will not ask you for anything else besides this.’”

Abû Sa‘îd said that the Messenger of Allâh ﷺ said, “Allâh, the Mighty and Magnificent says: to you is that and the likes of it ten times over.”

13. Abû Ma‘mar narrated to us; ‘Abdu-l-Wârith narrated to us; Husain al-Mu‘allim narrated to us; ‘Abdullâh bin Buraydah narrated to me; from Yahyâ bin Ya‘mur; from ibn ‘Abbâs (RAA) that the Prophet ﷺ used to say,

[The Prophet] Ayyûb said, “by Your Might! I can never dispense of Your blessings.”
 “ I take refuge with Your Might, there is none worthy of worship besides You, the One Who does not die whereas the Jinn and Man die.

14. Abû al-Aswad narrated to us; Haramî narrated to us; Shu‘bah narrated to us; from Qatâdah; from Anas (RA) that the Prophet ﷺ said,

 “ [The People] will be thrown in the Fire.

(H) Khalîfah said to me; Yazîd bin Zurai‘ narrated to us; Sa‘îd narrated to us; from Qatâdah; from Anas
(H) From Mu‘tamir; I heard my father [saying]; from Qatâdah; from Anas that the Prophet ﷺ said,

 “ The people will continue to be thrown into [the Fire] and it will keep saying, ‘is there any more’ until the Lord of the Universe will place His Foot in it such that some of it will close in on the rest. Then it will say, ‘enough! Enough by Your Might and Honour!’ Paradise will remain having room to accommodate more people until Allâh will bring forth a creation and make them to dwell in the excess space.

Chapter 8

The saying of Allâh, the Exalted,

  «He is the One Who created the heavens and the earth in truth» [al-An‘âm (6): 73]

15. Qabîsah narrated to us; Sufyân narrated to us; from ibn Juraij; from Sulaymân; from Tâwûs; from ibn ‘Abbâs (RAA) that,

 “ The Prophet ﷺ used to supplicate at night saying, “O Allâh! To You belongs all praise. You are the Lord of the heavens and the earth, to You belongs all praise. You are the Maintainer and Creator of the heavens and the earth and whosoever is in them. To You belongs all praise, You are the Light of the heavens and the earth. Your saying is the truth, Your promise is the truth, the meeting with You is the truth, Paradise is true, Hellfire is true and the Hour is true. O Allâh! To You I have submitted, in You I have believed, upon You do I rely, to You I repent, with You I stand against all opposition and to You I go for judgement so forgive me all that I have done in the past, what I will do in the future, what I have kept secret and what I have openly shown. You are my god, there is none worthy of worship except for You.”

Thâbit bin Muhammad narrated to us; Sufyân narrated to us this hadîth [with the additional wording],

 “ “You are the truth and Your saying is the truth.”

Chapter 9

  «Allâh is ever All-Hearing, All-Seeing» [an-Nis⒠(4): 134]

al-A‘mash said; from Tamîm; from ‘Urwah; from ‘A’ishah that she said, ‘all praise is due to Allâh Whose Hearing hears all voices.’ Allâh, the Exalted, then revealed to the Prophet ﷺ, «Allâh has heard the saying of she who disputes with you concerning her husband» [al-Mujâdilah (58): 1]

16. Sulaymân bin Harb narrated to us; Hammâd bin Zayd narrated to us; from Ayyûb; from Abû ‘Uthmân; from Abû Mûsâ who said,

 “ We were with the Prophet ﷺ on a journey. When we alighted a high place we would say the takbîr [loudly]. He said, “be gentle to yourselves and do not go to such measures for you are not calling upon One Who is deaf or absent. Indeed you are calling upon One Who is All-Hearing, All-Seeing and close.” Then he came to me while I was saying, ‘there is no movement or power except with Allâh’ within myself. He said, “O ‘Abdullâh bin Qais! Say: there is no movement or power except with Allâh for it is a treasure from amongst the treasures of Paradise.” Or he said, “shall I guide you to [a treasure from amongst the treasures of Paradise].”

17. Yahyâ bin Sulaymân narrated to us; ibn Wahb narrated to us; ‘Amr bin Yazîd informed me; from Abû al-Khayr that he heard ‘Abdullâh bin ‘Amr saying that

 “ Abû Bakr as-Siddîq asked the Prophet ﷺ, ‘O Messenger of Allâh, teach me a supplication that I may say in my prayer.’ He said, ‘say: O Allâh I have wronged myself greatly and none forgives sins save You, so forgive me with Your forgiveness. Indeed You are the Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.’

18. ‘Abdullâh bin Yûsuf narrated to us; Ibn Wahb informed us; Yûnus informed me; from ibn Shihâb; ‘Urwah narrated to me; that ‘Â’ishah (RA) narrated to him that the Prophet ﷺ said,

 “ Indeed Jibrîl (AS) called to me saying, ‘Allâh has heard the saying of your people and their response to you.’


1. Which the author mentions in the chapter 19 – Trans.

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