“…If you try to make him slip, you will never make him slip.”


Virtues of Makarim al-Akhlaq:-

(NOTE: If you want to build a strong and powerful relationship with Allah, check out Islamia TV, where you can watch Islamic speakers from across the globe deliver inspiring and motivational courses. Learn more at www.islamia.tv.)

Malik ibn Dinar:

“The believer is noble and generous in all states. He does not like that his neighbour be harmed nor that any of his relatives be in poverty.”

Malik then wept and said,

“By Allah, despite that, he (the believer) is rich at heart although he does not possess anything in this world. If you were to try and trip him up and cause him to slip in his religion, he will never slip. But if you were to deceive him in his wealth, he will be deceived.” (i.e. his concern, protection and strength lies in his religion more than his worldly possessions).

Ibn Tawus relates from his father:

  “These fine characteristics are a gift from Allah `azza wa jall which He gifts to whoever He wishes of His slaves. So if Allah wishes good for His slave, He gifts him with a good character.”

‘A’ishah (radhi’Allahu `anha) said,


  Indeed, makarim al-akhlaq (good character) lies in 10things: Truthfulness in speech, sincere striving to be obedient to Allah, giving the beggar, repaying favours, keeping ties, rendering back trusts, being good to one’s neighbour, being good to one’s companion, honouring the guest, and the head of all of them is al-haya’ (shyness).”

Al-Hasan al-Basri said,

  “O son of Adam, accompany the people by the virtue of your good character for indeed you will only live amongst them for a short while.”

Al-Haytham ibn ‘Ubayd al-Sayd relates from his father:


  I said to Zayd ibn Aslam, “A man does some righteousness and later hears someone mentioning it about him, will that decrease his deed in any way?” He replied, “And who is it that wishes to be remembered for bad things?

Even Ibrahim, the Friend of Allah Ta’ala said,

“And grant me an honourable mention in later generations,” [as-Shu’ara: 84]

When the grandfather of al-Asma’i was close to death, he gathered his sons and said,

  O my beloved sons, live amongst the people in such a way that if you are absent, they long for you, and if you die, they weep over you.

Ayyub al-Sakhtiyani said,


  A man can never attain nobility until he has two characteristics within him: Abstinence from what lies in people’s hands and overlooking what comes from them (of harm etc).”

A man once asked Hammad ibn Salamah

  Prayer is made beloved to a man whereas fasting is made beloved to another man and jihad is made beloved to another man…”

and he continued to count numerous righteous deeds. So he (Hammad) said,

“These are all pathways to Allah which He loves to see built up.”

A man said to Maymun ibn Mihran,


  How are you this morning?” He replied, “I am sad and unhappy! How many fine noble mannerisms and charitable deeds have now perished and become worn out under the earth’s soil?” (i.e. gone are the people of good character).

Humayd ibn Hilal said,

  “I entered Kufa and sat with Khuthaym. He said to me, “O brother of Bani ‘Adiy, you must adhere to good character. Act upon it and be its companion, and know that the One Who created good character did not create it or guide people towards it except that it is something He loves and has made beloved to its people.”

Sa’id ibn al-‘Aas:


  O my dear son, if it was easy to attain good and lofty characteristics, then the lowly debased ones would have competed with you towards them, but instead they are difficultand bitter; none can be patient over them except a person who knows their virtues and hopes for their reward.”

“This world cannot be except upon religion
And religion cannot be except upon fine character.” – Poet



  Let a man fear and beware of having a lowly character just like he fears and bewares the haram (forbidden matters), for indeed, nobility is from the Deen (religion).”


Taken from fajr.wordpress.com
– Translated from ‘Makarim al-Akhlaq’ by Ibn Abi Dunya (d.281 AH)

(NOTE: If you want to build a strong and powerful relationship with Allah, check out Islamia TV, where you can watch Islamic speakers from across the globe deliver inspiring and motivational courses. Learn more at www.islamia.tv.)

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