Tag: love
Tips to Memorise the Quran
Quran recitation as related by Allah and the Prophet (saws) is very important in Islam. We should illustrate this importance within our home educational routine. The following are some steps that will help facilitate the memorising process.
The Muslim does not consider Ihsan - meaning to do things in the best possible manner - to be merely a virtuous trait that beautifies character. Rather he considers Ihsan to be part of his creed and a major part of his Islam, since the religion of Islam is founded upon three matters: faith, Islam and Ihsan.
Patience is half of Imân
It is through faith that we know the reality of Allâhs commands and prohibitions, or reward and punishment, and it is through patience that we carry out His instructions and abstain from that which He has prohibited.
The Love of Allâh
Do we really love Allâh? Do our actions really convey what we profess with our tongues? How do we fair in comparison with our pious forefathers?
Charity and Relief Works
O you generous and noble people! Hurry up onto the field of mutual compassion. Console your brethren with your gifts and know that your kindness to them will alleviate their sufferings. Many verses of the Qurân and many hadîths encourage you to assist your brethren who are in need. Allâh says: And whatever you spend in good, it is for yourselves, when you spend not except seeking Allâhs Countenance. And whatever you spend in good, it will be repaid to you in full, and you shall not be wronged. (Al-Baqarah 2:272)
The Messenger of Allâh said, Indeed, Allâh created mercy in one hundred parts. And He sent only one part to the earth by which the creatures show compassion to one another. It is out of this one part that you see a horse or a she-camel raises her hoof off her young one lest she crushes it. Allâh withholds the remaining ninety nine parts in order to shower it on His slaves on the Day of Resurrection. (Al-Bukhârî)
Brotherhood: The Missing Foundation
"One of the greatest blessings of Islâm is it's admirable success in
creating strong, warm, rich and durable bonds of love and brotherhood
between man. It is this blessing of love and brotherhood which is the
greatest source of sustenance and nourishment for man, but few of us can
honestly say that we have experienced true brotherhood."
Conjugal Kindness
"Allâh calls our attention to a great blessing that He has endowed us with. This blessing is the relationship between man and woman by which isolation is removed, happiness is achieved and peace and tranquility are attained in the life of this world. One should therefore, take care of this blessing and not become a cause for its destruction."
Khutbah from Makkah Shabân 28, 1424 (October 24, 2003)
A Child’s Poem
From the fitra of a child, the pure beliefs with respect to Allah's Oneness, in His Lordship, in His Worship and His Names and Attributes
What Women can Stipulate Before Marriage #2
(A condition) that which must be fulfill. It is a condition wherein its benefit and worth are returned. Examples are stipulations wherein he (vows) not to remove her from her residence or land, or that he will not travel with her (to foreign lands), or that he will not take another wife while with her. All of these are conditions that he would be bound to fulfilling (if he agreed to them before cohabitation). If he does not honour the stipulations she is granted the ability (and right) to annul the marriage (at her will).